Vaping – Hobby and Lifestyle?

The e-cigarette was an escape from tobacco. It has reduced the health effects. However, nowadays it has taken a recreational turn whereby many people have turned to it for pleasure. Nobody can deny that St-eustache vapes popularity is growing and not stopping anytime soon.
Have you been vaping for the last few years and still can’t tell if it’s a hobby or a lifestyle? Well, most people are not sure either since it satisfies both.
Everyone’s relationship with an e-cigarette is unique depending on how …

All You Need To Know About L’Oréal Blondifier Hair Product

I cut my split ends this summer and changed my hair color to ash-blonde highlights.
New hair, new woman – right?
I did not want to compromise my healthy hair with highlights, and having silky, healthy, fresh and shiny hair is very important to me. To get all that, I tried out the Blonidier From L’Oreal.
It was made for colored, bleached and highlighted blondes. It is a great pick if you have hair with any blond strands in it! It will keep you cool and fabulous and perfect all season long.
The Blondifier Cool makes your blonde hair look fresh because it has acai berry extracts inside. It …

Yummy Banana And Coconut Pancakes For Breakfast

Make these yummy pancakes with just 3 ingredients – they are full of flavor, fluffy and very sweet!
The only 3 ingredients you need are eggs, coconut flour, and bananas.
We absolutely love them, and so will you! As a wonderful bonus, they are gluten-free and very good for you!
Cooking Tips: This recipe is for 8 pancakes.
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
3 bananas (ripe)
6 big eggs
1/3 cup of coconut flour
1/4 cup of coconut butter or oil (made for cooking)

Apple-Banana Bread: The Perfect, Gluten-Free Breakfast

Baking nutritious meals is a key ingredient to getting your day off with a good start. Some would also recommend fish in the diet too.
Pieces of bread, loaves, and muffins filled with fruits, seeds, and vegetables are the perfect complement to the season.
Apple-Banana bread is gluten-free so everyone in the family can enjoy it. You can always change the recipes to using whole wheat or regular flour. You don’t need to add a lot of refined sugar because the fruits are naturally very sweet. You may even choose not to add any sugar at all.
The bread is comforting, moist, and hearty. Your children will absolutely love it …

Protect Your Skin From Winter With These 10 Beauty Products

Winter is fast approaching, and you cannot let it destroy your skin.
Your skin needs more attention now than ever, and you must defend it from the cold, harsh weather and the winds. You must be equipped with skincare brands that you can trust.
You want to choose a skincare regime that will benefit your skin the most and keep you well hydrated and glowing for the entire season.
These 10 skin products listed are well researched and well trusted. They make me look fresh even when I haven’t slept enough at night and are perfect for a wide range of skin tones. They contain antioxidants, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and many …

Tips To Aging Gracefully

It is funny how quickly time flies. Before you know it, you’re entering your golden years, yet you still feel like a teenager at heart!
Aging gracefully is a gift – a gift that can be developed. You can enjoy your golden years as much as you did your younger days – because each season of life is beautiful in its own way, and there are always new things to learn every day!
1. Do not be negative about it
Nobody likes admitting the fact that they are getting older. It is in our nature to be negative about it. Don’t do that! Take responsibility for your life and choose to enjoy it! Aging does not have to be the …

3 Tips for Making Your Current Clothes Become Even More Stylish

1. Be Brave With Colours!
Add a touch of Marina Blue and Grenadine Red to your clothes. They will instantly make you look a lot more in vogue, while slowly transitioning to the fall style.
Use laundry stain removers to protect your colorful clothes.
2. Wear Winter Whites
Winter whites look just as great in autumn. As soft cream blouses, and other outfits with parchment tones and oyster tones to your daily wear. It will make you look cozy and cute.
3. Go Retro
Old styles are so in vogue right now!
Go dig deep and bring out your high school geometric prints. Add a leather jacket and …

3 Style Tips to Transition Summer Outfits to Autumn Outfits

Autumn is fast approaching, no matter how much we wish for summer to last forever.
As the temperatures begin to drop, your outfits have to change too – a layering of clothes, and boots, and the like.
I don’t like saying goodbye to the Summer, so I like to greet Autumn slowly – by gradually changing my summer outfits into outfits suitable for the weather, but at the same wearing my summer clothes for as long as it’s appropriate.
These 3 tips will help you transition your outfits:
1. Wear long-sleeved T-shirts Under Your Summer Dresses
You don’t have to give up maxi dresses immediately after …

Surprise Your Visitors With Your Tasty Homemade Stromboli

It is best to entertain your guests in simple but elegant and joyful ways.
Hosting should never cause you too much stress and sweat – it should be full of joy and laughter, and delicious meals, most especially during the holiday season.
I like to make tasty appetizers and easy dishes so I won’t get too stressed and my kitchen won’t be extremely messy before my visitors arrive.
To accomplish this, I pick fresh, exciting meals dull or flavored. No guest is left unsatisfied and unimpressed!
Maestro and San Daniele, dry Italian meat, is literally always in my fridge. It is always a hit with guests!

Blueberry Smoothies Are a Must-try This Summer

Blueberries are in season every summer. Have you bought some yet? They are always available during the year but the best time to buy them is in the summer because they are then juicy and plump and sweetest.
Blueberries contain antioxidants which are very good for boosting the immune system. Some like to eat them just like that, a perfect complement to breakfast meals, and others prefer a smoothie.
Blueberries are the perfect addition to smoothies, because of their sweet flavor, multiple vitamins, and low …